Karl Fred Dahmen | Art Store
Van Ham Art Estate presents "Karl Fred Dahmen"
This offering on Karl Fred Dahmen provides an attractive cross section of the artist's œuvre. The thoroughly curated assortment of works spans
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Van Ham Art Estate presents "Karl Fred Dahmen"
This offering on Karl Fred Dahmen provides an attractive cross section of the artist's œuvre. The thoroughly curated assortment of works spans from his informally oriented early work with abstract paintings to his collage boxes with objects and colour cushions to his monochrome "Furchenbilder" (furrowed pictures).
Since 2013, VAN HAM Art Estate has managed the artistic and written estate of the German artist. For more information on the VAN HAM Art Estate, please visit the official Homepage. The catalogue of his œuvre can be purchased at the VAN HAM Art Store.
The painter and graphic artist Karl Fred Dahmen (Stolberg 1917 - Chiemgau 1981) is considered an important representative of German Informel. In the course of the 1960s and 1970s, he developed into a conceptual object artist who moved from the industrial Rhineland to rural Chiemgau. As a professor in Munich, he influenced generations of artists (including Günther Förg) in a similar way to Joseph Beuys in Düsseldorf.
His early work includes expressive-abstract paintings with a tectonic structure alongside tachist-oriented pictures. The dark-toned and relief-like paintings and material collages recall the damage to the local landscape caused by surface mining.
From the mid-1960s onwards, Dahmen increasingly integrated objects into his paintings, which were designed as "object boxes". By the use of everyday objects or utilitarian tools of animal husbandry, Dahmen seeks to reconnect art with life.
His late "Furchenbilder" (furrowed pictures) on the one hand reflect his travel experience through the USA, primarily California, and on the other hand they refer to the confrontation with his own existence, which goes hand in hand with the reduction of artistic means.
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For more information on the artist, please visit Karl Fred Dahmen's official homepage:
Karl Fred Dahmen
Copyright Coverbild: Willi Tenter, Aachen